Even though this is a fashion blog, I had to share this amazing home with you. Because sometimes a perfect setting completes an outfit too, like how a perfect frame can complete a painting. It's the artist Georgia O’Keeffe’s restored Ghost Ranch, her first New Mexico home.

For more than 40 years Georgia O’Keeffe spent her summers at Ghost Ranch, some 60 miles northwest of Santa Fe. “I loved it immediately,” she said of her first visit to New Mexico. “From then on I was always on my way back.” O’Keeffe would climb the ladder to the roof, where she often slept.
I can't really imagine anything more utterly serene than sleeping under the stars.

This is the breakfast room. I don't know about you, but for me breakfast is an important part of starting the day (Although if you're reading a fashion blog, I can assume you don't care about eating at all. Kidding, kidding.), and this looks like a perfect place to ease into the day. The wide windows let you see out into the beautiful surrounding landscape, a quintessential part of my dream home has to be lots of windows with something to see.

A ledge displays bones and other objects found by the artist. “The bones seem to cut sharply to the center of something that is keenly alive on the desert even though it is vast and empty and untouchable—and knows no kindness with all its beauty,” she once said.
I find her take on bones profoundly beautiful.

The Le Corbusier–style lounge chair in the studio is original to the house. Small items were given to the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe by her friend and associate, Juan Hamilton. The house is now used for research activities.
I can really relate to her minimalistic style, my ideal home would really be exactly like this.

The house, with Cerro Pedernal in the distance. “I suppose I could live in a jail as long as I had a little patch of blue sky to look at,” O’Keeffe said. “The kinds of things one sees in cities . . . it’s better to look out the window at the sage.”

You can read the whole article here and see all the pictures here. Tomorrow is the last day of school...
