Vintage top to bottom

While thumbing through my closet I unearthed this scratchy, sparkly gem. It's a shirt I got at Out of Vogue, which was apart of a drag routine from a performer in San Francisco. I love vintage finds with a story, especially one such as this! I haven't shot it for ages so I thought I'd give it another go.

I put together this outfit in the spirit of Bowery punks and clash city rockers, but it reminds me also of a piece that a 50's rock and roller, such as Elvis or Little Richard would have worn. I would consider myself a failure if I couldn't successfully integrate a piece of drag into my wardrobe, which maniacal as it is, shouldn't be too difficult. So I decided to try to style it as everyday as possible. Here's a mood board I pieced together to paint a picture:

Shoot me an email if you have any questions about the board :)
