In an act of Undercoverism I thought I'd stitch and scab these jeans into my own ironic vision. I intercepted these, here it comes, Hollister jeans from my cousin who was going to bring these to Goodwill, and you know I need them more than any other denim inclined penny pinching goodwill digger anyway. If I were ever asked to divulge advice in the spirit of "what 5 wardrobe must-haves should one have" I'd say that it is really nice to have a few clothes that you can scrape your knees and spill some brains in (which is why no one asks me for that kind of advice). For me those clothes come to me by way of dollar thrift store finds and whatever wearable garbage I can get my hands on. So why not experiment with some patches on some dumpster denim?

In a failed attempt to repress my collective tendencies, I have gathered a small collection of patches. I figured the perfect marriage of patches would be between some hard rock dinosaurs and some anime kittens. The dog may have chewed the Zeppelin patch before I had the chance to sew it on.
