Upon an arbitrary trip to the local shoe repair shop to take a look at the shoes long forgotten (and up for grabs), I found these Doc Martens! The shop owner said they were custom made, even came with tags attached. I instantly drew parallels to the shoes from Balenciaga's spring 2011 collection...
I was quite taken by that collection, if you guys remember, so of course I fell hard for these shoes. I usually shy away from frowny, clunky looking shoes, but every once and a while (and lately, more often than not) a pair comes along that changes my mind.
I thought I'd post these shoes for the first time with an outfit in the same spirit as the aforementioned Balenciaga collection, but instead I just kind of pulled random garb I've been into lately into a sort of goony guy look. I titled this post Accidently Seventies because I didn't realize how 70s my outfit was! Star Wars, punk influences, More Songs About Builinds and Food... hey it was a jammed packed decade - no wonder every season the 70s seem to be in, you can pull so many references.
I thought of this pin when I got the shoes as well because of the colors. My dad got this pin when he saw the Talking Heads at the Roxy back in the day. What I would have given to see them then and there! The Talking Heads have been one of my favorite bands since I was a kid, and More Songs About Buildings and Food is one of my all time favorite albums. The map is from the back side of the record. I also understand my dad has a vintage David Bowie shirt from a concert from around the time Heroes came out, which has yet to be unearthed from storage! It's great to have a dad who passes down vintage artyfacts to you and makes you jealous of concert experiences.