Vintage coat, lucite necklace, shirt, and python boots, Cheap Monday Jeans.

Wearin some of my favorite things. Not a lot of folks consider snakeskin and shamy leather to be wardrobe staples, but I certainly do.

I have a deep sartorial love for the jacket I'm wearing. Its cultural and referential ambiguity, combined with its overall strangeness, has kept me just as enamored with it today as the day I first pulled it out of an overcrowded rack of vintage coats. It was also the star of my first outfit post during the humble genesis of this blog, so my obsession may be tinged with a bit of sentiment. I just think it's a really cool, one-of-a-kind vintage piece that deserves respect. Here's the link to a very early post I did about the jacket, IN CASE YOU WANTED TO READ EVEN MORE ABOUT IT.

I think it's funny that I often reach for this necklace as a finishing touch to most outfits, because as accessories come, lucite is barely there (You know, with it being clear and all). Or so you'd think, but in actuality it adds so much more!

One last peak at the jacket...

I still pray at the alter of the shoe gods daily for throwing a poor kid a bone and letting me haphazardly come across these beauties. Decided to incorporate my love of B-movie-monsters in a mash up with my shoes. October means monster movie marathons!
