Vintage scarf, sweater from American Apparel, Levi's jacket and jeans, and vintage calf hair boots.

Going back to basics again with some denim on denim and Keith Richards fueled inspiration. Like I've mentioned before, just because the blog's called 'Denim on Denim' it doesn't mean that it's a blog about denim on denim styles, but it always winds up on the blog one way or another. I didn't even have a denim shirt when I first started the blog! Not that I'm complainin, jussayin.

I guess it's apt that I churn out a Keith inspired post today because his memoir, Life, comes out tomorrow. I honestly can't wait to get a hold of it for a blast of second-hand sin to span several lifetimes.

Music always comes first though, then the style. Keith Richards and Brian Jones have always been two of my biggest style inspirations. Mick Jagger may be more glamorous and in the spotlight, but I personally feel like he's tried to hard to be trendy with his past sartorial choices, and thus doesn't appeal to me as much. Keith has pretty much looked the same since the Stones shed away their "Beatle-a-like" looks (And, not to mention, has become synonymous with skull rings, prayer rug scarves, handcuff bracelets and Johnny Depp's character from Pirates.).

Here's some of my favorite Keith looks I've got on hand. They've probably turned up on Left Hand already (or are going to), but they go along well with the post.

Obligatory shot of the calf hairs - one of the first things I'd grab in a house fire.



Vintage coat, lucite necklace, shirt, and python boots, Cheap Monday Jeans.

Wearin some of my favorite things. Not a lot of folks consider snakeskin and shamy leather to be wardrobe staples, but I certainly do.

I have a deep sartorial love for the jacket I'm wearing. Its cultural and referential ambiguity, combined with its overall strangeness, has kept me just as enamored with it today as the day I first pulled it out of an overcrowded rack of vintage coats. It was also the star of my first outfit post during the humble genesis of this blog, so my obsession may be tinged with a bit of sentiment. I just think it's a really cool, one-of-a-kind vintage piece that deserves respect. Here's the link to a very early post I did about the jacket, IN CASE YOU WANTED TO READ EVEN MORE ABOUT IT.

I think it's funny that I often reach for this necklace as a finishing touch to most outfits, because as accessories come, lucite is barely there (You know, with it being clear and all). Or so you'd think, but in actuality it adds so much more!

One last peak at the jacket...

I still pray at the alter of the shoe gods daily for throwing a poor kid a bone and letting me haphazardly come across these beauties. Decided to incorporate my love of B-movie-monsters in a mash up with my shoes. October means monster movie marathons!



Vintage leopard skin cap, shirt, and boots, sweater and scarf from Forever 21, & Gap leather pants.

Would've posted earlier this week but every attempt to tiptoe outside and take outfit shots has been rained out. Sometime between leaving my lights on and having to jump start my car, the rain let up, so I decided to jump on that chance and drag my dad outside to take the pictures.

Not much to say about this outfit, other than it's what I'm into pretty much all the time. You got your boots, leather, leopard print, baggy sweater, vintage tee, and sloppy layers. I very much enjoy gallivanting around town in sloppy layers and dirty cowboy boots as Davy Faggot & His Leopard Skin Cap.

LOUSY picture but I loved the color of my dad's necklace with his Levi's jacket.

I took this picture of our dogs, Ricky & Rosie, begging my dad for food the other day. It was pretty impromptu, so the quality isn't all that great, but I had to immortalize their synchronized begging!

P.S. A pox has been lifted from this humble blog: there is no longer two "m"s in the URL! We are now

P.P.S. For the record, I only had the initial domain name because I was desperate to start blogging, and since some Johnny fuck-face decided to take and not even use it, I was left with no other seizeable options at the time.
