Antique 1907 British Cavalry Jacket, vintage red coral necklace, American Apparel tee, Cheap Monday jeans, belt from a flea market, and vintage Calf Hair boots.
On the third Sunday of every month, I tirelessly explore the dusty labyrinth that is the Long Beach flea market with my dad. We pass by countless things that catch our eyes and on one occasion, a certain jacket caught my eye from the back of a booth. I took a quick glance at it, quickly examined it, but was shied away by the $200+ price tag. I so kindly took a picture of it without asking, for future reference, and sped off onto the next thing.
Months passed, and as I was perusing my flea market photo archives one-day, I stopped. Coming across the jacket again in photographic form, my brain reeled in and whipped out a Jimi Hendrix reference; I had realized that Jimi Hendrix had worn an extremely similar, if not exact, coat. My mind became instantly barraged with thoughts such as: "Will it even fit?" "Is it a wise purchase?" "What if it rains this Sunday?" (Sunday being on the cusp of the storms California was about to experience). I held my breath until Sunday arrived, and when we finally arrived at the flea market I immediately sought out the seller, tried it on, heaved a crumpled stack of Jacksons at her, and scuttled off.

"I had realized that Jimi Hendrix had worn an extremely similar, if not exact, coat."
The fact that it fits as decent as it does, to me, is incredible. I feel extremely fortunate to come across it. It came with a pair of jodhpurs as well, my feet are too big to fit through them (We're talking 1907 sizes yall - not that I have Cinderella feet anyway), which isn't a problem since I didn't know the pants existed until I purchased the suit.
I've searched tirelessly for the perfect band/military jacket for years and am so happy to have finally found this one. It's perfect - great colors i.e.-muted gold, great buttons, Hendrix cred etc. With the surge of Balmainia hitting stores, just about every store has made a rendition of a Sgt. Pepper jacket that I could have easily picked up by now, but I feel like what makes these jackets so special is their unique quality. They come in so many different colors and styles and are found so few and far between, a mass-produced one wouldn't be the same. It's different than just a sweater or t-shirt, I think you guys get what I'm talking about. Anyway, sorry to have assaulted your eyes with all this text! Onto the outfit shots...

Here's a detail shot of the necklace/collar.

Detail shot of the buttons.
Today is also Denim on Denim's first birthday! Thank you everyone for your support over the past year! Your support really means the world to me and I feel very fortunate to have gotten to know some of you guys as well! I look forward to seeing what the future will bring to Denim on Denim. :)