I found this amazing leopard pelt cap at the flea market last month. I stumbled upon this cap at a stand run by an exotic, mysterious, slightly disoriented looking man selling some dusty wears that were sprawled lazily out in front of his busted looking van (people like this always have the best shit). He informed me that it was very old and from Africa and for 20 bucks. I almost didn't buy it, but my dad helped convince me that I had to have this (If there was any doubt in my mind, it was that it was still very early in the morning, and with only so much cash, you never know what you'll find later, but anywhoozle). I'm not the one to condone slaying an animal as majestic as a leopard for fashion accessories, but something like this is a priceless, precious antique that I think should, at this point, be worn to the fullest extent. It wears like a beanie so it is a great way to lazily give an outfit a real shot in the arm. Can't wait to wear this all winter long.
Worn with my dad's flannel, vintage drag queen shirt, Cheap Monday cords, and vintage boots.

It's stitched together in a very primordial fashion, which adds to the look.

I love these vintage boots, the burnt orange color is so cool.

Just another 80-degree "fall" day in Southern California...