Fluxus jacket, GoodOn shirt, Levi's jeans, vintage hat, belt, and boots
I'm fascinated with aviation gear, my fascination probably has roots in my childhood aspiration to pilot an X-Wing. My grandpa gave me this pilot's hat ages ago, but I finally found it in the depths of our garage back home! I'm not sure of any other details, because my grandpa was in the army but he was also in a lot of plays so I have no idea where it really came from.
I thought I'd style it for the blog in a way that wasn't too on the nose, cos I'd be pretty lazy to style it with a bomber. So I opted for a jacket with a sprawling collar, a raggedy old handkerchief, and tie-dye that looks like noxious green clouds for some aviation vibes. Not sure if I look like I'm ready to take flight or take a ride on the short bus, but I like it.
Here's the look without the hat...
... and a detail shot.